Why Dean Smith and John Terry are right for Leicester City

Dean Smith, Manager of Aston Villa. watches on from the stand with John Terry and Craig Shakespeare Assistant Manager's of Aston Villa (all three now at Leicester City)(Photo by Nick Potts - Pool/Getty Images)
Dean Smith, Manager of Aston Villa. watches on from the stand with John Terry and Craig Shakespeare Assistant Manager's of Aston Villa (all three now at Leicester City)(Photo by Nick Potts - Pool/Getty Images) /
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Leicester City
John Terry of Leicester City (Photo by Jean Catuffe/Getty Images) /

This situation where man management and motivation will be vital given the task ahead. Tactical implementation will be extremely difficult in just eight games, especially games of this magnitude. So, of course, organisation and motivation will be key in the survival of the club.

Defensive stability and organisation have been something that the Foxes have struggled with – and that’s being generous –  throughout the entirety of Brendan Rodgers’ tenure with the club. Especially the last two seasons, unsurprisingly since the decline of Wilfred Ndidi, who’s exceptional defensive capabilities previously papered over the cracks of Rodgers’ fragile out-of-possession system. A system where the only tactical adjustments were personnel, thus when personnel accrue injuries or dip out of form; chasms began to develop.

During Smith’s and Terry’s last full season at Villa – their 11th placed finish – they had the seventh best defensive record in the entire Premier League.  A back four that consisted of Tyrone Mings, Ezri Konsa, Matt Targett and Matty Cash. With all due respect to those four, achieving a level of defensive solidity with that unit is especially impressive.